The highest recognition of the prestigious Guide rewards the Silvio Carta company from Baratili San Pietro.
“I am very proud of this recognition that comes to seal the important work that the company has always done to promote the tradition of Vernaccia di Oristano Doc”. This is how Elio Carta – CEO of the Silvio Carta company in Baratili San Pietro, Oristano – comments on the award of the Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso 2021 Wine Guide to the special DOC Riserva 1968 of the company’s flagship wine.

50 years. An important number, which represents a path and a territory, the one that accompanies Vernaccia di Oristano Doc Riserva 1968, a wine that embodies the history and soul of the Silvio Carta Distilleries. And that comes, with this label, to collect an important legacy, that of an epochal transition. The 1968 was infact the year of the last harvest carried out in three moments. The first harvest, dedicated to the ripest and healthiest grapes. The second, after 10/15 days from the first, reserved for the sweetest bunches. Finally, the third and last harvest of the grapes destined for the production of San Martino wine, the lightest and most ready to drink. “And it is in the memory of that time – explains Elio Carta, owner of the company, then a student of the Enological School of Conegliano Veneto – of that particular year, which so much marked our company as the whole world, that I wanted to bottle what the absolute, unique and unrepeatable Vernaccia ”.